Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bovine University

I went grocery shopping with my son, Logan. We were in the meat section looking at steaks, chicken, etc. While I was inspecting a package of steak Logan was inspecting a giant slab of meat, probably a roast. He asked me what all of the “red stuff” in the package was. I told him that it was blood. Then came “Why is there blood in there?” I told him it was blood from when they packaged the meat. Logan then asks, “Where does meat come from?” This threw me off. I thought he new that meat came from animals like cows. Well, this seemed like as good a time as any to inform him. The conversation went something like this:

Me: “Well Logan, this meat here came from cows.”
Logan: (With a confused look on his face) “Cows? Do they take it from the cows stomach?”
Me: “No. They take it from other parts of their body.”
Logan: “Do they hurt the cows?”
Me: “Well Logan, they have to kill the cows for the meat.”
Logan: “They kill cows so we can eat meat?”
Me: “Yes. People raise cows so that we can eat them, so we can have food.”
Logan: “Well, I am never eating meat again!”

He then proceeding down the meat section pointing at the variety of meat and asking what animal they come from and if they are killed. Then proclaiming that he never eat the food from that particular animal, except chicken, he said he still likes chicken.

This all reminded me of a classic clip from the Simpson’s. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is such a cute story! But, seriously, isn't he a bit young to start on the Vegan bandwagon? Liberals begat Liberals, I guess. Just kidding!